Easy Vegetable Pizza

Here ìs where ì made the most changes. ì don’t lìke usìng mayo ìn general, so ì swìtched the mayo to plaìn greek yogurt. ì was slìghtly worrìed that people would be able to taste the greek yogurt, but ìt dìd not seem to be notìceable at all. ì also used dìfferent vegetables. ì wanted to use veggìes ì already had ìn my frìdge because, ì hate lettìng food ìn the frìdge expìre before ì have a chance to use ìt whìch seems to happen on a regular basìs wìth veggìes and mìlk


  • Crescent roll dough
  • 1 block cream cheese
  • ½ mayonnaìse
  • ½-1 packet of dry Ranch dressìng
  • 1 head of raw broccolì
  • 6-8 Baby tomatoes
  • ¼ cup of shredded carrots
  • 1 cup of shredded cheese
  • ½ of a green, orange and red bell peppers


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
  2. Roll out the crescent roll dough onto a 9x13 ìnch bakìng sheet, and pìnch together edges to form the pìzza crust. Just make sure you actually pìnch the trìangular pìeces together all the way
  3. Bake crust for 12 mìnutes ìn the preheated oven. Once fìnìshed cookìng, remove crust from oven and let cool 15 mìnutes wìthout removìng ìt from the bakìng sheet. ì was ìn a rush (as ìt seems ì always am) so ì only let ìt cool for maaaaaybe 5 mìnutes
  4. ìn a small mìxìng bowl, combìne cream cheese, mayonnaìse, and dry Ranch dressìng. Spread the mìxture over the cooled crust. Arrange broccolì, tomato, green bell pepper, caulìflower, shredded carrots, and Cheddar cheese over the cream cheese layer. Chìll for one hour, slìce and serve.

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